I bought my rollbar insers used off Ebay and they came with some foam rubber stuck to the insides of all three tabs. This makes them stay in place fairly well.
For those of you who have missing ones or don't have any and hate the pricing you're finding online, at the dealership or on ebay, hang on for a few months. I'm doing the patent search, design stuff and injection mold company R&D needed to manufacture them. When I get them, I'll become a forum sponsor and sell them to you for a fraction of the cost of what you'd pay new or used now.
I'm so pissed that these items are expensive I'm going to do something about it even though I already have a set of my own! I'm also going to produce a center windscreen replacement that doesn't rattle and is cheaper. Got the idea in my head and I've talked it over with another inventor and he says it will work. Prototyping that is next. I'll keep you all posted! (No pre orders taken yet though, so just watch for banner ads).