Now for something kinda different...
Getting ready to replace my leaking center radiator (2002 S) which broke with the gentlest of taps on a steep driveway (curses, Porsche engineers!).
I've read a lot of grumbling about recalcitrant spring-type German hose clamps but have yet (although almost) encountered one. I see them, I know I have to remove and reassemble them, and I don't want to spend 2 hours doing it. I also want to avoid screw-type clamps.
Is there a commercially available set of pliers that ease this job that anyone has found? And by "commercially available" I mean walk-into-Autozone-and-grab-them-off-the-rack-for-$19.99 pliers? Not order-them-from-Pelican-or-SnapOn-and-wait-a-week-$130 pliers.