hi all. i'm in the process of putting in some jobber axles in my box and have a question. the porsche oem wheel nuts went on ok, but the 'claw' (for want of a better word - image here:
http://www.drivewire.com/includes/secure/popup.php?type=more&image=L2ltYWdlcy9zaG9wL3Byb2RpbWFnZS9pbWFnZXMvV09S TERQQUMvVzAxMzMxODUwNDk0T0VTLkpQRw==&title=T0VTIEdlbnVpbmUgQXhsZSBOdXQ=&text=
) at the end of the nut has carved-up the thread on the axle. i've looked at the oem axles that i just pulled-off and this wasn't the case. i'm thinking the oem axle had harder steel and forced the claw apart, whereas the jobber axle is softer steel?
any input is appreciated, as i'm now thinking i should refinish my oem axles instead of using these jobber pieces (but i had a torn outer boot and not sure what i'd do if the outer cv was chewed - don't want to spend $1k for a replacement oem axle ...).