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-   -   Anyone knows where to get some of these headlights for 986/996? (http://986forum.com/forums/boxster-general-discussions/28934-anyone-knows-where-get-some-these-headlights-986-996-a.html)

Jinster 05-18-2011 01:49 AM

Anyone knows where to get some of these headlights for 986/996?

They look great. Some guy on eBay had them a while ago. But there hasn't been anymore since then.

Guvs 05-18-2011 02:22 AM

I like :) these head lights I hope someone knows something about where to find them.

Jake D 05-18-2011 05:36 AM

I like those too. I'd like all white l.e.d's though if thats possible. I wonder how they look in person, not all cheesy ricer like.

Jinster 06-13-2011 05:58 PM

Ok. I found a manufacturer's link


I have sent a message, but got no reply. They probably don't deal directly with users. Anyone know a good Porsche parts seller who might be able to send an enquiry?

Overdrive 06-14-2011 04:21 AM

Keep us posted, those look awfully nice.

madmods 06-14-2011 06:22 AM

Your best option is to get Rui725. Pretty switched on member here on 986forum and with a bit of support from more members I'm sure he could ask the manfacturer about their min. qty. Rui725 is from Taipei/TW.

I'll go for a set with you guys if less than $500 for the pair. They don't look too technical imo but could try a set.

So there is 3 members interested. Sure Rui725 is in as well?!

sasha055 06-14-2011 08:50 AM

I would be interested as well


Mark_T 06-14-2011 11:26 AM

Me too, depending on the price of course.

Overdrive 06-14-2011 01:11 PM

Jinster, do you remember the price when you saw these on eBay? At least we can get an idea of what someone charges for them.

Rui725 06-14-2011 05:59 PM

i'll give them a call and see what kind discounts there are for group orders etc.

nola911 06-14-2011 06:54 PM

Here is what I know... A few test sets hit ebay a few months back for HUGE money.. 1800 for a pair.

A porsche shop in Europe named Design 911 was going to sell them and was actually taking pre-orders for a May 2011 ship date at 1 thousand for the set. The date came and went and the link went down. Apparently the manufacturer could not get them made in time and said 3-4 more months.

That brings us to today. They are showing up on Taiwanese wholesale sites, but dont think they are really ready and a couple people have contacted them to sell them and have all been quoted rediculous prices (1500+)

2 color modes- driving and blinking


NOW, Someone make it work!

Overdrive 06-14-2011 08:57 PM

Well, they look good (and thanks for that functioning picture), but they certainly don't look $1500 good. :eek:

Rui725 06-14-2011 10:18 PM

I guess that answers a lot of questions.. pricey for something made in taiwan..

Jinster 06-14-2011 11:34 PM

They do look good, indeed.

I guess you guys in the states are used to cheaper prices for cars and car parts.

A base Boxster costs about $110,000AUD here down under, which is about $120,000USD in current exchange rates. Parts are equally expensive.

So $1500 to me still sounds very reasonable, because a new set of OEM lights from dealers here cost $3600AUD. And there are none on the second hand market. Because there is no big second hand Porsche market here.

Oh well. I will still hoping they would actually make a set.

Overdrive 06-15-2011 04:21 AM

I guess you're right, Jinster. I'd be expecting to pay 120,000 for a Carerra, not a Boxster. US Boxsters tend to be about half that price at the end of the day, and they're essentially charging for these aftermarkets what a new set of OEM lights would run, so that equally bugs me. But it's also something I have to get used to compared to the way the aftermarket typically goes for a more domesticated/commonplace car, or at least for a marque whose badge doesn't immediately get someone thinking you paid six figures to get your car (though that would be the case for you). After market lights for a little econobox would be about 10-20% of what these are apparently going to cost.

...like I said, they do look very very nice, maybe a group buy can happen and chip away at that cost a little...or a lot. :D

If you get your hands on a set, I demand pictures. :cheers:

SoK 06-15-2011 07:25 AM

like them a lot, I hope they get down to the 700-800 range though, at most.

madmods 06-15-2011 07:26 AM

Price is not the issue. The manufacturing cost involved for let's say 25 pairs should be 15x higher than a bulk order of let's say 250 pairs.

The only way to get your hands on these lamps in sml qty is to have someone that speaks the local language, knows what kind of gift to give them and when, and knows how to deal with the TW sales dudes (and Taiwanese are not the easiest from previous exp!).

Rui725 seems to be the only hope on this one. Suggest he gets in touch and try to find out when will a bulk order be placed, slip-in smoothly and get that extra 25 pairs done at the very same time. Now that could be a potential deal for the forum members. (that's what we need to do to get stuff done from CNC manufacturers and others here in China).

If that is not cool with Rui725, I can give it my best shot and give them a call (using my limited spoken Chinese and cultural knowledge!).

madmods 06-15-2011 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by nola911
Here is what I know... A few test sets hit ebay a few months back for HUGE money.. 1800 for a pair.

A porsche shop in Europe named Design 911 was going to sell them and was actually taking pre-orders for a May 2011 ship date at 1 thousand for the set. The date came and went and the link went down. Apparently the manufacturer could not get them made in time and said 3-4 more months.

That brings us to today. They are showing up on Taiwanese wholesale sites, but dont think they are really ready and a couple people have contacted them to sell them and have all been quoted rediculous prices (1500+)

NOW, Someone make it work!

1.8k 1.5k seems a bit overkill for molded plastic housing, HID w/ Bi-xenon kit, and a few LEDs! Design-wise they do look really cool however I wouldn't pay more than $350-$400 per lamp (max $800 for the kit) - if acquired direct from the manufacturer anyway.

Modifying the stock headlights may be more logical for some. I'll try to write-up a small bi-xenon hack thread in a few minutes

pothole 06-15-2011 07:56 AM

Loathe though I am to be the lone voice of decent, I fear these are going to look trinkety and tacky awfully quickly if not immediately!

madmods 06-15-2011 08:10 AM

Make your own in 4 hrs!

Custom headlights conversion to Litronic style (w/pics)


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