my wife searched for a suitable hat for the short trip to the highway which was unsuccessful so the top went up. we decided to venture out to the Cape Cod Canal, do a little walking along the water, and have a late lunch. we poked along in the right hand lane south bound around 70 mph. nearly at our exit, we decided to see if a friend might be home, so we continued our trip to Wellfleet. i commented to my wife that i drive "the little black car" slower than my pick up. when we came to the one-way section i decided to run 5 mph over the limit to be safe, i feel i would be a target in a speed trap just because of the car. turns out i was the one holding up traffic like some gomer. after our visit and heading north bound thru this stretch, traffic kinda liked 65 mph. once over the bridge, all bets were off. speeds from 65 to 80 were the norm. this was our longest trip in our new to us 08 S and we enjoyed the $hit out of it.