,+West+Chester,+PA&daddr=39.99306,-75.53875+to:40.0174041,-75.4809801+to:39.9543679,-75.4553206+to:351+Gradyville+Road,+Newtown+Square, +PA+19073-2803+(Ridley+Creek+State+Park)&hl=en&geocode=FU8VYgIdU0F_-yl1RE4_EfLGiTFY_Kq5YV6bEA%3BFeQ-YgIdwl5_-ykRl-38cfLGiTHOwa7mGErROQ%3BFfydYgIdbECA-ymz4kc3Hu3GiTG8S7SKXqvePA%3BFb-nYQIdqKSA-ymb3Y_Boe7GiTFr67EWNvuQFw%3BFaSFYQId_ieB-yG2FwNA2-vRxSmb3Y_Boe7GiTHOngF0tvbQGA&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=3&sz=14&via=1,2,3&sll=39.95153,-75.440197&sspn=0.030859,0.055017&ie=UTF8&ll=39.964162,-75.452042&spn=0.030853,0.055017&z=14
Here ya go
This starts near a neighborhood I live near in West Chester PA. Basically, you'll want to get on east boot road right off Paoli Pike. I suggest starting at the Pepper Mill restaurant near the corner of Paoli Pike and Boot Road; get a cheesesteak there. The service is so so, but the food is damn good for the price.
Then hop on east boot road and follow my path through incredible twisty roads in gorgeous horse country + beautiful homes. I drive these everyday and aside from bikers, the roads themselves are very clear. Be careful of taking blind curves fast with the boxster....just be aware.
You'll loop around onto Providence Road which is a simple back-road that won't wind as much, but will lead you into Ridley Creek State Park....awesome roads, great greenery, hiking/biking trails, etc.
Hop on any of these roads between 9:45am-3:00pm, and you'll find miles and miles of goodness with almost no traffic. Even during rush hour, they are mostly absent.