Is there anyone that can help me reset my airbag light on my 97 Box Sussex Co. NJ
Is there anyone that can help me reset my airbag light on my 97 Boxster. Im in Sussex County NJ. Does anyone know if by disconnecting the battery will it reset the airbag light. Is it something stored in the computer or cluster that activates the light? Thank you in advance for your consideration!
Is there anyone that can help me reset my airbag light on my 97 Boxster. Im in Sussex County NJ. Does anyone know if by disconnecting the battery will it reset the airbag light. Is it something stored in the computer or cluster that activates the light? Thank you in advance for your consideration!
Disconnecting the battery will do nothing, the code is "locked" until cleared by one of three computers: Durametric system, PST II, or PIWIS.
“Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein
I just tried to disconnect the battery and you are right. The light did not go off. I called the dealer and they want $115 to reset the light ! Hopefully a fellow forum user has the tools and will be able to help me out for less. Thank you for your input!
Get the Durametric enthusiast version for $347, which permits registration of up to 3 VINs only. Sounds like a lot, but you'll pay for 1/3rd of it with this repair only. You will have other problems to use it for, assuming one reset solves this one (doubt it will), it's only a matter of time.
There's a good secondary market for these if you ever decide you're not using it enough or you sell your car. I picked mine up for $175 with 2 VIN slots left.