I did it then subsequently removed it, I decided I liked the open look. I ordered generic mesh from JC Whitney, removed the bumper cover, and crafted the panels working from inside the cover, with the entire piece on a blanket. I made templates for basic shapes, prototyped out of thin cardboard till I settled on the flat panel pattern and tab placements for maximum hold after bonding. After cutting them out, I hand formed them to fit the space checking periodically from the front to get the fit as perfect as possible. I then used fiberglass for attachment all the way around making sure none could be seen from and angle looking back into the bumper cover from the front. Then I re installed the cover. You have to be gentle when you wash the mesh from the front forever more. Good luck.
PS There may be a stock kit for your bumper cover.
Last edited by eightsandaces; 08-02-2009 at 08:37 AM.