I've read about the nefarious CDR23 and have even experienced the "on-but-no-sound" problem myself a few times with the CDR23 on my 03 986s.
However, I'm wondering if anyone's ever seen the radio continuously cycle power itself. Powers up, reads "Porsche" but before any audio comes out or any other text is displayed the unit turns itself off and back on repeatedly. I can also hear what sounds like the CD drive adjusting (there is no CD in the drive) every time the unit powers up. This first happened to me about a week ago and I parked, pulled and reinstalled fuse D8 and it seemed like the problem was resolved. However, the problem occurred again a few days ago and the fuse trick no longer seems to solve my problem.
I do have PSM as well as the Bose option. I tried pulling the fuse for the sound package (D9) but didn't see any improvements in my situation. Any other suggestions or should I chalk this up to a dead CDR23?