07-27-2008, 04:36 PM
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Boxster A/C temperature LCD
This afternoon, the temperature on the A/C screen did loose a segment, 10 minutes after, a hude 1/2 moon appears. Is this a common problem? Is there a replacmeent part for that screen? Pricing?
Tks for your help.
07-27-2008, 04:55 PM
Mine is also missing a section in the giant O in Off (embarrassment of a display for a premium sports car). I read somewhere that the unit is an Audi piece, they are expensive and frankly I think the crappiest part of my car, I especially don't like the fact that you immediately have to turn it off everytime you start the vehicle instead of having an off default choice. I see them ob enbay every now and then if it really bothers you look there.
07-27-2008, 05:03 PM
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Last edited by Lil bastard; 07-27-2008 at 07:20 PM.
07-27-2008, 05:20 PM
nice find Lil B, if I ever get my ass employed I'll have to fix the display now..
07-27-2008, 07:28 PM
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07-29-2008, 08:32 AM
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Rising Sun Syndrome
Last weekend we had the Box in a P-car show which was on a golf course in the hot sun for a few hours. Guess what my wife pointed out when she decided to turn the air on? Yup, the same orange disk sneaking in on stage left. Thanks to you guys, I can be a hero by saving some bux, as well as appearing to be a mechanical genius. All I have to R&R the kit I just bought on E-Bay
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07-29-2008, 05:25 PM
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I did the same. Order the replacement one on Ebay.
Thanks guys!
07-31-2008, 02:09 PM
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I've never seen that eBay kit before but that looks like the way to go. I know a replacement unit is ~$400 so the worst that can happen is you bust the one you're fixing and you have to buy a new one anyway. Seems like good odds to save $350.
07-31-2008, 04:03 PM
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I don't need the kit (knock on wood), but I bought one a few weeks ago to have on the shelf. My luck, when mine goes, they won't be offering it anymore, or as anything, the price will, of course, be higher.
It comes with a lifetime warranty, so I figured why not?
08-04-2008, 10:28 AM
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Rising Sun Update
Piece of cake. The Module Master LCD rebuild kit Arrived in a coupl'a days, and, after careful study, went in in less than an hour. Works like a charm, except I miss the MANUELL logo. My father was Spanish, you see. Also a bit disconcerting is the index in reference to the "required tools" photo in the directions. It referred to the needle nosed pliers as a Utility or exacto knife. I thought I'd had a stroke or something. Didn't need the knife anyway-everything fit like a metaphor. Don't know if my wife thinks I'm a genius or not yet, but she IS impressed. Now thinks its OK to spend time w/ the 986 folk. Thanks for the great tip.
2000 "S" white, Grey/black
2003 ML320 white/ black
2003 GMC Sierra 1/2 ton, White/ Black
2006 Mini Cooper S Silver Grey/Black
1972 Chance HOP ROD, red /w Yellow handlebar
08-04-2008, 01:10 PM
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I did the change out today. Very very easy job, 45 minutes at the most.
Very nice result. A+++++
08-07-2008, 02:17 PM
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My display has been missing two of the little blocks that reflect the fan speed since I picked up the car in May. I also have the half moon on the right side of the display. I bought the replacement on Ebay today. I'll take pics and post when it arrives and I install it.
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08-07-2008, 03:02 PM
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when i first bought my car on the left side it looked like a sun (and i tought it was supposed to look like that) hahah, but obviously its not.
in my car its either top off or heat on full blast, no in between haha, so i dont really care, but wouldnt mind finding one for cheap (no luck, but lately im not even looking)
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08-19-2008, 05:02 PM
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Ordered one on Sunday
I am glad to see everyone is pleased with the kit. I had decided Sunday to order one for my car and have been having second thoughts about changing it until reading your posts. My son is a Porsche tech and those have been a problem since new. They replace them often but most fail just after it's all on you. He even thought this was worth a try because even the factory replacements are prone to bleeding out the LCD if ever left in a lot of full sun heat.
08-19-2008, 06:29 PM
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Good thing to have on hand
Thanks for the heads up on this weak electronic link in the A/C module. Hadn't even heard of it until today, but as the Boxster sits in the Colorado and New Mexico sun a few times a year at displays, I decided to order the ebay replacement and have on hand as well. Maybe with what I save on this part, I will soon have saved enough to buy a spare key and remote
08-20-2008, 11:36 AM
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LCD Screen in kit not Matte Finish as original
The kit arrived today and all went well on the install until I turned the unit over and looked at my completed unit. The glass on the replacement LCD in the kit is polished glass both sides. I thought I had installed the screen with the wrong face out because the original is matte finished. I would guess to eliminate glare. I looked at the instructions again and on page nine it says the semi gloss side toward the front so I knew I had messed up and disassembled the unit again. After a few minutes now that I understood how this comes apart ,and it is really a lot easier than the 12 page assembly manual looks, I get to the screen and both sides are the same gloss. I had it right. I called the help line number in the instructions and after talking to three different people I am told that they had ordered these with matte finish as original but they came in gloss. So if you are a picky stickler for all original this may not be the kit for you. I kind of like the gloss for now. I might change my mind when the sun bounces back at me and the glare causes me to hit a utility pole. I was thinking about adding a layer of film on top before reassembly like the screen protectors they sell for electronics like a palm pilot to dull it down what do you guys think? Oh I mentioned they should edit the instructions and change the semi gloss reference and xacto knife for pliers in tools needed. They didn't seem amused.
08-20-2008, 01:18 PM
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You must have gotten a 2nd batch because after reading your post, I checked the one I ordered a few weeks ago to have on hand and one side is matte and the other gloss, so at least in my case, it looks correct.
08-20-2008, 03:01 PM
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Hey LB,
Great minds must think alike, my display is fine but being in the military has taught me one thing. Always be prepared for any contingency. I ordered my back-up display today and will shelve it along with my other array of spare parts. It sounds like there's a run on these displays by the posts I've read.
The gloss vs matte finish will be dealt with when the new part arrives.
Sadly on the outside looking in.
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08-21-2008, 03:16 AM
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LCD Screen in kit not Matte Finish as original
The main thing here is that these do work and look a lot better than a display with the half moon bleed that stays orange even with the car off. I like the look of the new one and would not think twice about doing it again. Plus I saved a lot of money with this.
08-21-2008, 10:08 AM
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After seeing the reaction, and all the sales generated by my post, maybe I should contact them again and try to negotiate some kind of finder's fee....
Seriously, I'm glad it's worked out well for everyone
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