LCD Screen in kit not Matte Finish as original
The kit arrived today and all went well on the install until I turned the unit over and looked at my completed unit. The glass on the replacement LCD in the kit is polished glass both sides. I thought I had installed the screen with the wrong face out because the original is matte finished. I would guess to eliminate glare. I looked at the instructions again and on page nine it says the semi gloss side toward the front so I knew I had messed up and disassembled the unit again. After a few minutes now that I understood how this comes apart ,and it is really a lot easier than the 12 page assembly manual looks, I get to the screen and both sides are the same gloss. I had it right. I called the help line number in the instructions and after talking to three different people I am told that they had ordered these with matte finish as original but they came in gloss. So if you are a picky stickler for all original this may not be the kit for you. I kind of like the gloss for now. I might change my mind when the sun bounces back at me and the glare causes me to hit a utility pole. I was thinking about adding a layer of film on top before reassembly like the screen protectors they sell for electronics like a palm pilot to dull it down what do you guys think? Oh I mentioned they should edit the instructions and change the semi gloss reference and xacto knife for pliers in tools needed. They didn't seem amused.