I just want to extend a huge thank you to Moe at Glistening Perfection. His expertise and recommendations in suggesting the right products and techniques for top notch detailing was without a doubt fantastic. I've been using Zymol "Concourse" wax for years and getting great results, but after reading so many threads and glowing reports on Moe here in 6speed, I thought I'd give him a call myself and see how I could take my detailing to the next level. He was more than kind as well as patient in spending the time explaining the best way to polish, clean, wax, etc... my car with the products I have as well as suggesting some other products that would further improve on the results. In particular, I never used Klay before nor use a buffer and polish. But I have to say I was amazed at the results.
Here are the products used and the order applied.
Zymol Clear wash
Zymol Klay
Zymol HD Cleanse
Menzerna Super Intensive polish
Menzerna Nano polish
Zymol Concourse wax
Anyone interested in learning more about proper detailing as well as purchasing the right products (he's sells Zymol as well as other products) give him a call.
I have an '03 Boxster S which has nearly 75k miles on it and looks like new!
I have a '08 Boxster S on order due to arrive in about 1 month, so I wanted to practice to get ready prior to the new one coming. Moe (and Zymol company) both recommend this same kind of detailing to new cars as well. You can contact Moe at his company in California called "Glistening Perfection".