10-31-2007, 02:16 AM
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My Boxster Saved My Stupid Behind
I have a story that happened to me that I have to share about how my Boxster saved my butt. Now let me preface by saying that I do not condone drinking and driving. It's not a frequent thing for me but it's still really dumb and nearly cost me. Needless to say I learned my lesson.
I moved to Austin, TX about a year ago from Los Angeles and work for a video game developer. We just wrapped an XBox 360 title and some friends invited me out for a couple of beers. I joined and only intended to have a couple of beers but one thing led to another and before too long all judgment left my brain and I got in the car to drive home. (I know, stupid)
So I'm about three miles from home driving on a country highway. The top is down and I'm jammin some tunes when I come across a convoy of construction vehicles. Impatient, reckless and just enjoying my car I gun past these guys at about 90 mph. Who knows, maybe faster. With the music blaring I didn't hear the Trooper behind me on his loud speaker telling me to pull over.
So he flips his lights and I nearly have a heart attack and pull over. Nervous as hell and hands shaking. I figure at this point I'm hosed. Texas Police are pretty hardcore on DUI and I just assume at this point that I'll be looking at thousands of dollars in court costs and fines. Not to mention the embarrassment of admitting to my friends and family how irresponsible I was.
He steps up to the passenger side of my car (since I had the top down no need to come to the drivers side) and says "Did you hear me telling you to pull over. I've been behind you for a mile"
License, registration, insurance, the usual. I have trouble remembering where the registration and insurance are because I'd only had the car for a few weeks and there's no glove box in the Boxster. Finally I remember that I stashed it in my owners manual under the steering wheel. I hand everything over.
"Boy, you do know that when you move to Texas that you have to get a Texas Drivers license?" He says.
"Yes Sir. I have no excuse" I say in as few words as possible lest he smell the beer on my breath or detect a slur.
"And you know the State of Texas requires that you have a front plate on your vehicle?"
"Yes sir. I tried to put it on last night but didn't have the mounting hardware." Which was actually true.
"Sir do you realize you were going 92 in a 60 mile per hour zone, which is reduced to 50 since it is a construction zone?"
"No sir, I didn't realize how fast I was going."
"Alright then, you hang tight. I'll be right back" He says.
He then leaves me to my reeling imagination of impending doom. He's gone for what seems like forever and I can only imagine that he's gathering his Breathalyzer and preparing himself to put me through the ringer. Finaly he comes back to the car and says,
"So I'm citing you for excessive speeding, no front plate on your vehicle and failure to apply for a Texas drivers license. So what I want you to do now..."
And he takes this really long pause (that in retrospect I'm sure is just to mess with me) I expect the next thing to come out of his mouth are instructions to step out of the car, breath in this, tilt your head back and touch your nose and the whole nine yards. Instead he continues,
"What I want you to do now... is when you get home I want you to destroy this citation."
My jaw hit the floor board and I asked in amazement "What? Why? What do you mean? Why would you do that?"
To which he says, "Just hear me out, when you get home I want you to destroy that citation. Throw it away, don't pay it. You won't have to go to court or see the judge or any of that."
Again I ask "That's really nice of you but you don't have to do that. Why?" (I know I should have just let it go and said thanks. But I had to know why I was getting off so lucky)
He just stares down at me and says with a smile...
"Because sir....I appreciate your vehicle."
I've never heard of a cop letting someone get away with speeding 30 miles over the speed limit, two other minor charges and potential DUI because he liked their car. Whether or not he know I had been drinking I'll never know. But two months later I've yet to go out unless I have a designated driver or take a cab. All I know is I'll never get that lucky again. Some people learn the hard way. I'm glad it didn't turn out the really hard way where I would have gone to jail or worse, have hurt someone.
10-31-2007, 04:12 AM
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Crazy story... just crazy. I've been let off lots of times when I was younger... not because of my car (Dodge Omni) hahaha. Just because I was honest I guess.
10-31-2007, 04:40 AM
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Boy, you best buy a lotto ticket because that was 7 kinds of stupid. I'm glad it worked out eg no accident/deaths. I hope you took that lesson to heart. As a father of 2 grown daughters i guess i'm more inclined to lecture than to find amusement in your post, sorry. :-)
-- 02 Boxster S
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10-31-2007, 05:37 AM
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Bloody hell that is a good story. Sounds like one of those that happened to a mate of my mothers, friends brother type of things,. but to actually have happened too you that is Crazy.
I hope a torent of people giving you abuse for drink driving doesnt happen as you are extremely sorry for what you did and those messages dont need to be said.
I once got let off for excessive speeding in a DC2 Integra typeR because when the cop realised i had supercharged it he was more into asking about the car, even sat in the drivers seat and rev'd the engine. I didnt mind i was doing about 110 in a 70, he had no detection equipment either so it prob played a part.
95 Vauxhall Tigra
99 DC2 Honda Integra type R
00 Audi TT 180 coupe
02 DC5 Honda Integra type R
01 Alfa Romeo spider 3.0 V6
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10-31-2007, 07:17 AM
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TimAustinW, what my twisted, paranoid brain keeps asking me is why he would write the citation and tell you to destroy it instead of simply writing you a warning ticket or letting you off with a verbal warning? If I were you, I'd find some way to check and see if he actually filed the citation. Failure to respond can significantly increase the penalties. So I wonder if he is, indeed, messing with you. Maybe not - I just can't think of another explanation.
- Jim
2000 Boxster S, Speed Yellow, Michelin AS/3 tires, 60,000 miles...
... and climbing.
10-31-2007, 07:20 AM
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I hope a torent of people giving you abuse for drink driving doesnt happen as you are extremely sorry for what you did and those messages dont need to be said.
Yeah, I kinda expect to have quite a few people give me a hard time or lecture me about it. As they should. Like I said it wasn't something I've done very often, I can count fingers on less than one hand the times in my 35 years on this planet that I lacked the judgment to call a cab. I wish one of my friends would have stopped me that night, but then again my near DUI experience was the reassuring factor that I won't be in that situation again. I'm not a drunk. I don't have an alcohol problem, just a lack of judgment that night. I'm ashamed of it. This time I got seriously lucky so the next time I'm out and drink a couple too many I'll call the wife or take a cab because I'll always remember how close I came. (not to mention that nobody else got hurt)
Yet I expect anyone who has an opinion on the subject to say what they will and be honest about how they feel. I think everyone at some point in there life has lost a friend or family member (or known someone that has) to a stupid drunk driver.
Aside from all that and the beating I expect to take, it's still a good Boxster story and I had to tell it
Last edited by TimAustinW; 10-31-2007 at 08:34 PM.
10-31-2007, 07:37 AM
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Whoa man,glad you didn't get hurt. Just remember the feeling you had when you got pulled over,it should more then enough to never make you want to drink & drive again.
*you had one awesome cop pull you over.
-99' Zenith Blue 5-spd...didn't agree with a center divider on the freeway
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10-31-2007, 07:55 AM
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Originally Posted by OldBlevins
TimAustinW, what my twisted, paranoid brain keeps asking me is why he would write the citation and tell you to destroy it instead of simply writing you a warning ticket or letting you off with a verbal warning? If I were you, I'd find some way to check and see if he actually filed the citation. Failure to respond can significantly increase the penalties. So I wonder if he is, indeed, messing with you. Maybe not - I just can't think of another explanation.
Had to be messing with me. I still have the citation. It has the three violations on it with "wrn" for warning circled and "CIT" uncircled next to each offense. I'll scan it in and post it if I can figure out how to post an image.
Gotta get a good photo of my boxster too for my signature. My posts feel naked
10-31-2007, 12:26 PM
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sounds kinda like a "Penthouse Letters" story..... LOL
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10-31-2007, 12:42 PM
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lucky man you are....
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exhaust cutouts::EVOcoldair intake::OEM smoked tails & sidemarkers::
colormatched bumperettes::Top Speed Pro-1 exhaust::
my cardomain/pictures page
10-31-2007, 01:20 PM
TimAuston, by your own admission, you had driven under the influence a few times. And this time you really avoided disaster. What is it about "this time" that will now make you really stop?
Be careful. I am sure there are many-many people counting on you.
Last edited by bmussatti; 10-31-2007 at 01:46 PM.
10-31-2007, 02:23 PM
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Your officer was not from traffic division
You were VERY VERY lucky, When I was pulled over for speeding (20 miles over the limit) by 'LASER' the Officer was from the "traffic division" which means they WILL ticket and WILL appear in court. I was in the passing lane with no car around me,, (not good when they use LASER on the radar gun). When the officer returned with my ticket he said he loved the car and wish he could borrow it for the weekend, I asked him if he wanted to buy the car, he said no cause he can't afford the speeding tickets with a smile.. have fun but be careful, and be smart!
The mistake, I made was I didn't check the next hill since I usually know where the speed traps are located. also to use the traffic next to you so when "LASERED" the officer cannot pin point which vehicle it is.. I usually scan the road and blind corners and hills when cruising..I would reccomend you having a radar detector if it's allowed in your area. ..
10-31-2007, 02:29 PM
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Hey Tim, it's David back in here LA. You enjoying my state? Boxster huh? Nice upgrade from the MR2 I'm sure
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10-31-2007, 06:38 PM
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Originally Posted by saxman61
You were VERY VERY lucky, When I was pulled over for speeding (20 miles over the limit) by 'LASER' the Officer was from the "traffic division" which means they WILL ticket and WILL appear in court. I was in the passing lane with no car around me,, (not good when they use LASER on the radar gun). When the officer returned with my ticket he said he loved the car and wish he could borrow it for the weekend, I asked him if he wanted to buy the car, he said no cause he can't afford the speeding tickets with a smile.. have fun but be careful, and be smart!
The mistake, I made was I didn't check the next hill since I usually know where the speed traps are located. also to use the traffic next to you so when "LASERED" the officer cannot pin point which vehicle it is.. I usually scan the road and blind corners and hills when cruising..I would reccomend you having a radar detector if it's allowed in your area. ..
No he was Travis County Sheriff. I should look into a radar detector. I'm pretty chill usually. Thanks for the tip
10-31-2007, 06:42 PM
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Originally Posted by David N.
Hey Tim, it's David back in here LA. You enjoying my state? Boxster huh? Nice upgrade from the MR2 I'm sure
David! Good to hear from you. How's life a Blur? Yes, much to Chucks disappointment the Spyder is no more. I left the club. It did find a new home though. I took it in at the end of the lease with every intention of financing it when the sales dude says "Well, before you do that let me show you what else I have" and showed me my little beauty. Couldn't resist and it beats trading in on a Yaris, right? I only wish it was a Boxster S. But still, I ain't complaining. The most fun in a car I've ever had....and it's mine. Muhahahaha.
10-31-2007, 11:16 PM
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Not a bad story!
Where were you? I'm in Austin and have been here for 16 years+. We have too many damn kalifornian transplants here...
Good that you got let off... but don't expect that in the future! You're right - our DPS boys are pretty hardcore!
2001 Boxster - Grey on Grey
1969 911T Targa - 'Stinky'
http://www.zoto.com/frayadjacent/img...f27a-4a399.jpg <---- my car. ^ crap I post.
"The existence of the flamethrower is evidence that someone, somewhere once said 'I want to set those people over there on fire, but I don't want to have to walk over there to do it.'"
11-01-2007, 09:12 AM
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Originally Posted by TimAustinW
Had to be messing with me. I still have the citation. It has the three violations on it with "wrn" for warning circled and "CIT" uncircled next to each offense. I'll scan it in and post it if I can figure out how to post an image.
Good - that puts my suspicious nature at ease. (Man, I hope Homeland Security isn't monitoring this thread.  ) Looks like he did give you a warning writeup instead of a citation. I like lucky people!
- Jim
2000 Boxster S, Speed Yellow, Michelin AS/3 tires, 60,000 miles...
... and climbing.
11-01-2007, 10:14 AM
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Originally Posted by FrayAdjacent
Not a bad story!
Where were you? I'm in Austin and have been here for 16 years+. We have too many damn kalifornian transplants here...
Good that you got let off... but don't expect that in the future! You're right - our DPS boys are pretty hardcore!
I hear ya. Now that I'm here though I expect all other Californians to stay away.  You know they estimate that by 2030 Austin will be larger than Houston putting it in the top four largest cities in the States. This place is growing like crazy. Our whole skyline is peppered with high rise cranes. I can understand it though. It's a kick ass town to live in.
I was driving east on 290 right after the 130 interchange near Manor, where I live. Want to move closer to the city though. Got snowballed by how much house you can get out there for such a little amount of money. That's what California real estate prices will do to you. You overcompensate.
02 Seal Grey, NHP Headers w/ Highflow Cats/2ndary Bypass Pipes, smoked side markers/3rd brake light, exterior match interior trim, 986 Lloyds Mats, 986 deck lid emblem, arctic silver intake grills, ipod link, painted calipers, Glass Window Robbins Top with defroster kit, Bose Sound System, Leather lower door panels, Console Lid w embroidered crest; Stainless door sills; Painted Bumperettes; Custom Hood Crest
11-01-2007, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by TimAustinW
I hear ya. Now that I'm here though I expect all other Californians to stay away.  You know they estimate that by 2030 Austin will be larger than Houston putting it in the top four largest cities in the States. This place is growing like crazy. Our whole skyline is peppered with high rise cranes. I can understand it though. It's a kick ass town to live in.
I was driving east on 290 right after the 130 interchange near Manor, where I live. Want to move closer to the city though. Got snowballed by how much house you can get out there for such a little amount of money. That's what California real estate prices will do to you. You overcompensate. 
Definitely, you get MUCH more house out here for the money.
I have a friend that moved here from Kalifornia a few years ago when housing prices there started rising. He was able to sell his house out there, outright BUY a nice house here and have money left over. Taking him to his first Texas gun show was fun. He was giddy that no only could you buy a gun and take it home the same day... you could buy TWO... or THREE!
I definitely like it here. Allergies notwithstanding (I'm allergic to EVERYTHING that grows in central Texas), I love Texas.
Find the Wurstfest post and try to get out with some of the local P-car owners. I won't be here for it, but there will be a handful of guys going for a nice drive ending up at Wurstfest in New Braunfels.
Let me know if you need to know anything about Austin, or where things are!
2001 Boxster - Grey on Grey
1969 911T Targa - 'Stinky'
http://www.zoto.com/frayadjacent/img...f27a-4a399.jpg <---- my car. ^ crap I post.
"The existence of the flamethrower is evidence that someone, somewhere once said 'I want to set those people over there on fire, but I don't want to have to walk over there to do it.'"
11-01-2007, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by FrayAdjacent
Definitely, you get MUCH more house out here for the money.
Let me know if you need to know anything about Austin, or where things are!
Cool. I've been here for about a little over a year and have gotten to know my way around pretty well. But hey if you ever have one of those "You gotta go here" places please suggest. Thanks for the hospitality. I'm toying with doing the Wurstfest drive. Sounds like fun. Even though my wife is about ready to send me to Boxsters Anonymous, this might push her over the edge  .
02 Seal Grey, NHP Headers w/ Highflow Cats/2ndary Bypass Pipes, smoked side markers/3rd brake light, exterior match interior trim, 986 Lloyds Mats, 986 deck lid emblem, arctic silver intake grills, ipod link, painted calipers, Glass Window Robbins Top with defroster kit, Bose Sound System, Leather lower door panels, Console Lid w embroidered crest; Stainless door sills; Painted Bumperettes; Custom Hood Crest
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