
what a good response from everyone. I truely appreciate this, you guys are the only one I know with this car!
Thank you for all replys to this post.
My Boxster 98' is my first Porsche, and first car ever (I just turned 24 and this is the result of serveral years of saving up and working hard. The price for this car in Denmark is approx 42-44.000 British Pounds due to sky-high car-taxes here (approx 200% added to the value of the car in Germany)). I read and learned what I could about this car from the internet (not the enige technical stuff) and I just jumped into it this Monday and purchased a 98' TipTronic Boxster, black with savannah leather and PCM1 + Cd Changer - I wanted this color combination and TipTronic
I had a friend with me when I picked up the car and we drove it past Porsche in Bremen (Import) for a PPI, they didnt comment on the engine sound but did see the oil leak, but I didnt ask enough questions about this, I didnt think it would drip oil - I drove it home from Germany myself and even though I am not even that old, I felt like a little child - 2.5l engine and 'only' 200 Bph was enough to completely shake my world after 10 minutes on the freeway - The car gave me a feel of 'more than enough' power for me... I love it, I love the suspension, the sound, the accelration, the design and the feel of this car - it is everything I hoped for and imagined (I dont know anyone with a Porsche so I had never tried one - I know you are probably laughing now)...
Regarding the 'questions'
3. That is perfect... One worry less

I really cannot afford a major breakdown right now...
2. RMS fix for 1.000 $ I can handle, I still hope it is not that serious... new engine or something like that would mean the end of the world for me... I will take it for a complete checkup, it's been 20.000 kms since last BIG checkup, the previous owner was very confident he could change filters and such himself - I guess it is time a real mechanic worked on it
1. I know it is hard to 'guess' what it is - I was hoping for some general diagnose or if it is a common thing... It dissapeared after I turned it off two times more and released the handbrake... it was like a little metallic rattle that only lasted 0.4-0.5 seconds, but I told myself that might be normal....
It's a funny thing buying a used car - I felt I tried my best to be on the safe side but no matter what it's still a gamble - I know buying a Porsche is not something I will never regret, these last four days of my life have been amazing - I dont think a car will ever give me this rush again... I just dont hope it will be too hard a start for me. I read some places the Boxster is very stabile and doesnt break down so often.
New I just want to modify it with all sorts of features... but I wont write about this here, it will be too loong
Have a nice day... and if anyone has more to add please do so