Hi all,
I had an incident today with my boxs, so I'm wondering if you guys can help me with your usual expert advice.
My boxster stalled for the first time during a drive today (drove about 200km today before this incident). I could push gas pedal just fine, and the rev indicator worked fine as well, but the car did not respond/accelerate, so I had to pull it over. After pulling over, the engine did not shut down immediately, but shut down (with hiccups like it was running of air or gas) after idling for about 5-10 minutes.
Some more information:
1. The gas tank indicator indicated that the car still had about half the total gas and I filled up the gas just last week, so I'm 110% sure be that I was not running out of gas.
2. No check engine light came up before, during, or after the incident.
3. I could restart the car, shifted to D (it's a Tiptro), then slowly accelerated (I tried it on the feeder road), but I could feel the car started to stall when it tried to accelerate to higher speed (like stalling when it reached around 15 mph). It felt like the engine did not have enough power to move the car.
4. When the engine shut off, I could re-started it just fine, but the engine would stall (like hiccups before it shut off) again after idling in about 5-10 minutes. It happened everytime after the incident (I tried this a few times).
5. Electrical system worked just fine.
6. I could rev the car up to 4K-5K just fine.
The boxs was towed until the dealership, but I will not heard from them until Monday since the porche mechanics are on holidays (drats). Any help is much appreciated.