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Old 05-17-2007, 08:00 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by porschedude
Actually, I heard the passenger side engine fan come on for 30 seconds after I parked the car for a few minutes yesterday. I guess that's quite normal if the engine bay gets too hot.
Yeh, that's normal. I live in Texas too. And mine does the same thing because it's getting hotter now. By the way, I bet no one knows that the fan on the passenger side pulls air in when it kicks on. Most peole just assume that it vents the air out, but after hearing mine come on in the garrage the other day, I held a paper towel up to it to see which way the air was flowing. Sure enough it almost sucked it right into the vent. So, it's not venting hot air out, but pulling cooler air inside to cool off.
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