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Old 06-03-2002, 07:21 PM   #3
Administrator and Founder
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Join Date: May 2002
Location: Portland Oregon
Posts: 265

Now is your chance to contribute some posts which you think are worthy. I welcome them. They can only make the site better since it has only been up for a weekor so.

Some of the reasons for a few of these posts are to generate traffic and show the features of the web. For instance, The polls are a feature that some other sites don't allow regular users to create. At least here you can create a poll as a user to gather your most desirable statistics. In this case, I was really curious about my sales persons pitch on selling me a car. I wanted a silver one and his dealer didn't have one. He then went on to say that silver was the most popular color and it was getting old. Therfore, they stopped ordering them in that color. The Poll here will actually let me know if what he said has any substance to it as long as the people voting are casting legite votes.

None the less, welcom aboard and please feel free to contribute what you think are topics worth posting.

Jorge Torralba
Forum Founder
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