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Old 04-26-2007, 05:59 PM   #2
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 456
There is another member on the forum that lives close to me in the next city. I asked him if he experienced this and he said never, me I get it everytime I go out.

He lives in a more affluent area and there are more Porsches and such, where as I hardly see any so I think that is the reason.

For me it's not just the Ricers, I get it from Mustangs whatever. I had a Mustang last Saturday slam on brakes so he would not make it through the light. He revs, takes off on the green. He then works very hard to get in front of me, then keeps gunning it and pulling off.

Finally when stopped at the next light, I blew my horn at him and when he looked in the rearview mirror, I just clapped for him! He flipped me off
2002 Boxster S
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