JackG wrote:
> Repeating the untrue "notion" as a truth, while spouting numbers that
> have no basis in reality (120 million illiterate Americans) is the
> behavior that got you into trouble in the first place.
No, what I said was "about 120 million adults in the U.S. are illiterate or read no better than at a fifth-grade level."
I believe you need to read the word 'or' (and the rest of that sentence) to understand it. Ain't literacy a wonderful thing!
Adam wrote:
> Peer, the # 1 country in the world is the USA.
Yes, I agree -- so why not make it even better? For years I've been criticizing Norway and the mindset of its people -- not in spite, but rather the opposite -- there's always room for improvements.
Brucelee wrote:
> I suggest you make an apology and move on.
I've already apologized -- see post #70.
-- peer