i aint sure about USA porsche laws, all i can say i got my window replaced at porsche. I dopped it in at 9.00am picked it up at 4.00pm the same day. My dealer does state its recommended the window is replaced every 3 years or when it looks a bit old, i mean you dont really wanna be driving around with a marked rear window. Porsche, ferrari, bmw merc all have this problem.. if you ask me its part of owning a softtop.
There is no need for a zipper as to change a plastic window takes only 1 hour.
after 3 years windows start to look a little old and marked.. like me my top is always down, however if you only convert once a week then you have no problem.
All i can say is i booked my car for a new window and thats what i got. Besides when i get my 996 i wont have a softop as i have my bmw m3 for sunny days. The 996 will be a pure power house..
if porsche will replace the whole roof then sure go for it, but dont be to dissopointed if they dont... the windows arnt much..
Alfed i didnt know porsche was that different around the world. I know its very strange ...
its also worth pointing out that those complete roofs are always on ebay for around $295...
Last edited by porsche986; 10-02-2004 at 02:33 PM.