Thread: Forum peeves..?
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Old 04-19-2007, 06:04 PM   #70
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Rob-00BoxsterS wrote:
> Why do you continue to generalize and insult (incorrectly I might
> add) the people from the country you choose to live in?

How's pointing to a well known fact insulting? Pray tell. Perhaps you also think my poll was insulting? If so, I apologize.

z12358 wrote:
> I still believe you didn't really mean this, and that your (US)
> university is one of those still good enough to teach you the
> pitfalls of generalization.

The "pitfalls of generalization"..? Well, among the nuggets I picked up from my statistics classes were that even a phrase like 'American people' is a general term. Hence, the following is a true & correct statement; the illiteracy level of the American people is among the highest in the industrialized world. If that feels like a "pitfall" to you, then I apologize also to you.

Now, can't we just let this silly thread die?

Love, peace, and understanding.

-- peer
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