Thread: Forum peeves..?
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Old 04-18-2007, 01:47 PM   #44
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Join Date: Jan 2007
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The language issue has nothing to do with anything else that has been stated. Most people that will "talk" improperly on forums will not do so when writing a letter or speaking to their boss.

The Internet has gotten the image of being a playground more than a office so people take liberties here, especially on hobby forums, that they would never take in the office. With the relaxed atmosphere comes the use of slang as opposed to proper English use.

As for our "poor" state of education, I will give you that the public school systems in some areas have failed. That is not due only to the school but also to the parenting that the student receives. When looking on the lever of higher education things change. There are a lot of people from all over the world that would love to come to the States in order to go to University. I am willing to bet that our University foreign enrollment is much greater than any other countries.

Just like everything else, it is just the popularity of making fun of whatever country is not your own. This is enhanced if the country happens to be in power. Before the States became a superpower the target of may jokes was Britain. So if if makes you feel better to believe in the stereotypes and if this way you can have a heightened sense of self worth and accomplishment, then by all means go ahead. It does not bother me any.

Now that we have gone completely off topic, can we get back on. Is this not what the "Off Topic" forum is for?

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