Thread: Forum peeves..?
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Old 04-18-2007, 01:14 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Peer
-- I initially got bulged-eyed when I came to the US and discovered how badly you Americans handle your own language.

crummy your educational system was

aware of Americans "lazy" mindset --

but had never expected it to be so prevalent.

-- peer
If mindset, education and language skills are so much better in wherever it is that you hail from, perhaps it is time for you to return there. We wouldn't want you to stay in the US, only to be continuously dissapointed and unfulfilled. The United States will certainly suffer without the benefit of your life's lessons on culture from ****************-holia, but we'll attempt to continue on without you.
'97 986
Cheating Death on 19" Wheels catastrophic engine failure ...yet

Last edited by Grizzly; 04-18-2007 at 02:32 PM.
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