Thread: Forum peeves..?
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Old 04-18-2007, 12:27 PM   #40
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porsche986spyder wrote:
> Lets not forget that Eglish is a second language for some of
> our guest on this forum. So not everyone is from the U.S. and
> spelling can be a problem for them. Keep that in mind next
> time someone asks a question.

So let me tell you this, as I'm one of those "foreign guests" that you allude to -- I initially got bulged-eyed when I came to the US and discovered how badly you Americans handle your own language. Sure, back home we always heard about how crummy your educational system was, and were aware of Americans "lazy" mindset -- but had never expected it to be so prevalent. Come'on, how hard can it be to at least learn your own language?!

-- peer
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