Thread: Forum peeves..?
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Old 04-17-2007, 11:17 AM   #32
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Join Date: Dec 2006
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Posts: 233
wow...this is a very odd post....

that's one of my pet-peeves....if you don't like a post, why reply on it.

i don't think this should have anything to do with spelling and grammer.....

You have people on here from all over the world. So many language barriers. You have people on here, that probably can't even type. You have people on here who probably just learned how to use a computer. People at different levels, as far as education. making spelling mistakes is not a big deal, who cares, you know what they mean, so get over it. if i put my dad on this forum, you wouldn't understand a dam word that he types...i don't even think he know's how to type. but guess what, he's probably just as successful as anyone on this website. so what if he can't spell...............why not help him out, instead of pushing him out, because he can't spell.

i've seen post by our board police, and it was very disturbing to see him insult people on here, because they can't type. or can't explain by typing, and it come's out all messed up.

so you can't say that any of the listed is a's the internet...
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