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Old 04-17-2007, 07:30 AM   #20
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That's kind of funny. It was the green light and no one even noticed that was what you were talking about from the begining when you said it was GREEN.
As far as I know that is the only green light on the entire dash. Yep, that's your cruise control telling you it is ready to be activited, or in the "on" position. You can turn it off by pressing the button on the bottom of the windshield wiper or trun signal, I forget which one it is located on. I like to leave mine on, so I can just set the cruise control whenever I want. To set the cruise control pull the lever towards you when the green light is on. Also, when set, you can adjust your speed by 1mph up or down by pushing up and pulling down on it (the lever) while driving. This function is great for saving on your gas milage. The cruise control is also dis-angaged as soon as you step on your clutch. Hope this help until you get your manual.

Last edited by porsche986spyder; 04-17-2007 at 07:33 AM.
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