My biggest pet peeve is overuse of IM-style abbreviated text; the worst example I've ever seen--from elsewhere on the Web--went something like this:
m a total newbie n crazy abt makn a sudoko solver as my project. sooo can anyone plzz help me out wid dat??..i know basic java n c++.. can i plzz have an idea of how this project wud go..i mean the flow of da program..n how2start..i think its btr doin it in java.. it wud be ma first project n i really really need ur help..i'll prefer maknn a simple solver but of my own coz i really am dumb at understandin codes of others.. hopin 4 a reply dat wud solve ma matter....
Every time I read this kind of crap, I just mentally cringe because it gives the impression that the writer has the IQ of a houseplant.