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Old 04-11-2007, 07:44 AM   #14
Houston C4S
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Houston
Posts: 116
Randall's just funnin' with you all.

He didn't even mention the mosquitoes, tornadoes, hurricanes,
the Mexican invasion or the traffic.

At least we don't have to put our cars (or our lives) on hold
for six months of the year when it gets all cold and snowy.

Heck, that's often the best time of year for us. So it gets
a little hot here for a few months -- that's why we have A/C.

I live out of town a bit, so no worries here about the, umm,
Katrina citizenry (the ones who have upped our murder rate
by 70% -- can't we just send'em back???). I just carry pepper
spray, shotgun (Winchester Defender with 000) and/or the
H&K P7M8 (9mm). Just in case.

As far as gas temps, what bugs me worse than the slight volume
increase if it indeed is that hot, is those single hose pumps where
you just know the guy before you pumped regular so the first
hose full for you is regular. Which in the total volume of the
hose probably isn't all that much, it's still now in your tank
and you are leaving your high priced premium for the next
curler wearing, baby toting, cell phone talking mamoo in her
minivan behind you.

So there.


- Mark
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