04-08-2007, 07:13 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Des Moines, IA
Posts: 8,083
Originally Posted by Ronzi
"Consumer Guide® Estimated Repair Costs
The dollar amount includes the cost of the part(s) and labor (based on $50 per hour) for the typical repair without extras or add-ons. Like the pricing information, replacement costs can vary widely depending on region. Expect charges at a new-car dealership to be slightly higher. "
I'd like to find a place (that I would trust) that would work on a Boxster for $50 an hr. Even the independants are closer to $100/hr., and dealers 'way over that.
Apparently the RMS problem hasn't yet made the repair bulletins. Nor the intermediate shaft, nor the porous blocks, oil separators, and broken cnvt. top mechanisms.
My thoughts exactly.
Rich Belloff