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Old 03-26-2007, 06:52 AM   #1
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Found!- Switched 12V Spare Fuse in 987

Just reposting this as it was buried in another tread I started about radar detectors that some folks could care less about but this could be useful. After some voltmeter work I finally found a switched 12 V connection suitable for my radar detector. It's not a V1 or Escort that has the RJ-11 4w connection. I just needed a 2 wire 12V and ground connection for my BEL 985 Vector. Hot to the fuse slot, ground to a nearby chassis ground lug.

Fuse box ROW D, FUSE SLOT #4 is empty on my 987 and will provide 12V only when switched on by the key. This is shown as a blank in the little book so I imagine that regardless of the options on your car, this looks to always be a spare empty port that is only hot when the key is on.
06 Boxster
Seal Grey
Bose, Xenons, 17"
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