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Old 03-20-2007, 09:36 AM   #2
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
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Well, you don't state if the car is stored in the Winter. If so, the Oil s/b changed in the Fall, then you're good to go until the next Fall when you change it prior to storage again. You don't want all the accumulated Moisture, Fuel, Acids attacking the Internals over the Winter.

Unknown to most people, many parts have both a Time and Mileage Service Interval - whichever comes first. You're past due on several of these and coming up on others. The PolyRib Belt is 30k mi. or 5 yrs. Coolant - 5yrs./150k mi. Spark Plugs - every other year or 60k mi. Brake/Clutch Fluid Flush & Fill - every 2 yrs. Tires - 4 or 5 yrs.

It's an old addage that seals dry out from a low mileage car. It used to be true when Gaskets were made of leather and/or paper. With today's broad use of synthetics such as Butyl Rubber and Neoprene, this is much less a factor.

What low mileage does do to parts is increase their potential for pitting, corroding, corroding of electrical connectors, loss of elastic memory for Springs, increased corrosion to Hydraulic Lines and Parts and such.

You don't reduce the Maintenance costs on a Car seldom driven, in fact in many cases, you accelerate them.

Of course, all this assumes you want to properly care for the car. You can go on storing it, driving it seldom and only replacing when a part breaks or wears out, but in the long run, you'll end up with a car in less good shape than you would expect given it's low Odo reading. Hope this helps...

Happy Motoring!... Jim'99
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