Thread: HP is Overrated
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Old 03-14-2007, 08:37 PM   #31
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: San Diego, California
Posts: 874
Well, since you drive a "chick car" and a "Poor Man's Porsche," you can't really hurl insults can you?

Now see, that's the kind of thing I'd expect to hear from a Vette owner.

The chick car label is applied to a broad range of vehicles including a convertible Vette, I mean for crying out loud a convertible Vette is actually an accessory that's available for Barbie dolls !

And the "Poor Man's Porsche" insult totally misses the point of my previous post. If someone can afford a Porsche Boxster, than they can afford a Vette (or in the case of many Boxster owners, multiple Vettes). So does that make the Vette owner someone who can't even get on the bottom rung of the Porsche ladder? Nah, like I said, it's a matter of choice.

06 987S- Sold
Carrara White / Black / Black/Stone Grey Two-tone

05 987 5-speed - Sold
Midnight Blue Metallic / Metropol Blue / Sand Beige

06 MB SLK350- Lease escapee
Iridium Silver Metallic / Black

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