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Old 03-12-2007, 11:51 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by 986 Girl
I can't say I know much about this whole de-snorkling thing... but if I have a '98, should I be worried about debris being sucked in, even if I haven't de-snorkled? At some autocrosses there is quite a bit of dirt/dust that gets kicked up.
There has got to be a regular air filter down stream of the snorkel and up stream of anything that would be damaged by dirt and whatnot. Even with the snorkel in there, you're pulling lots of air though the intake so any dirt/dust/chalk/whatever in the air will get pulled through the snorkel.

I can see with it out how you're more susceptible to having high pressure water shot through the side and into the intake. No power car washes for sure and you shouldn't blast water at the intake when you're giving it a bath at home either.

I didn't notice a crazy increase in noise/sound with it gone, but when I pulled into the garage after the test drive without the snorkel, the first thing my wife asked me when I got inside was "why is the car so loud?". She could tell the difference from inside the house. She's got good hearing and I'm 40% deaf in the speech hearing frequencies, so take that for what it's worth.
This isn't the Boxster you're looking for...
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