You do realize the dealer is in business to make money, not loose it. The service area is THE profit center for a dealer. A one time sale is good for the salesman, the repeat business for service keeps them in the black.
90K service for $1000? Doesn't seem so bad (
), depending on what they do. Sure, you could do all the work yourself (which would save you the typical shop rate of $70-90/hr), but please add back in the cost of doing it yourself.. What is your hourly wage? How many hours would it take to assemble all the parts/tools needed?
For me, I don't really have the desire to change belts and perform coolant changes (and repressurizing the system) at home. I am willing to let a dealer do that. Changing filters, oil, spark plugs and brake pads are pretty easy stuff.
BTW, how much mark up do you think there is for a Big Mac? A Starbuck Cappucino? A suit at a fine department store? I would expect at least 100% mark up, likely many times more