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Old 03-05-2007, 01:08 PM   #10
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I agree its hard to go back to FM once you've gotten use to the variety of Satellite.

Just wanted reiterate the question of Ipod use if you also have Sirius or XM.

I was reading some smarty guy who thinks Satellite is doomed because Ipods are so common now. An opinion I found to be strange because I have both and I don't see one as a subsitute of the other. I certainly can't spend 8 hours listening to an Ipod at work like I can listen to my Sirius. Neither can I listen to my SIrius at the gym unless I get one of TV remote control size Satellite receivers which are pricey. And in the car I prefer the Satellite as I can listen to new stuff all day and then go and download it onto the PC/Ipod. The point being that the Sirius receiver takes the lead over the MP3 device. With my particular MP3 player I can stream record right from my satellite receiver onto the MP3, another reason I think satellite seems like a better value at $12 then buying a dozen songs.

If that new Iphone came with a Sirius subscription then I think they would have all the bases covered..pnone, mp3, satellite radio, internet.
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