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Old 02-23-2007, 11:48 AM   #5
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Location: Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
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Originally Posted by ehD
sorry but what line has a hole in it? i'm glad to hear its a potential cheap fix... but when i meant that i can shift i meant that i can change gears but the car won't move or anything. it's just as if the clutch was fully pressed all the time. thanks for the fast reply

Your description isn't very thorough. Do you have a leak? Is the underside of your car wet or sprayed with hydraulic fluid? Can you put the car in gear? With the engine On? Off? What's the fluid level in the Hydraulic Fluid Reservoir in the front trunk? At or Below the FULL line? If below, by how much?

Personally, I don't think you have a burst Hydraulic line. From your description so far, I'd say that something mechanical broke in the clutch itself, or you have a failed Master Cylinder.

But, I'm not certain of anything since your description is so lacking. Give us more information please...

Happy Motoring!... Jim'99

Last edited by MNBoxster; 02-23-2007 at 02:18 PM.
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