Thread: Tough Crowd
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Old 02-22-2007, 09:17 AM   #20
Bavarian Motorist
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap
This one betty I know whines the whole time she's in my car. The seats are too low..The suspension is too stiff...Its too cold to lower the top...raise the top so it doesn't mess up my hair...etc...etc...
She can't stand that I park far away in a parking lot...
and NEVER cleans her own car.
To make matters worse she worships those luxury SUV's

and yes obviously we fight a great deal.

as someone very wise once said "girls only get away with being difficult if they are hot".
But as someone else who is even wiser once said
"beauty fades but stupid is forever"
I hate having passengers in my car. I think the solution is to remove the passenger seat and air bags and just tell people that your car is a 1 seater
Miss my Boxster
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