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Old 02-12-2007, 06:37 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by HIFI
" Intermediate Shaft failure is almost the exclusive domain of the Gen II cars as the shaft was redesigned and this redesign seems to have caused the issue. With a '99, I wouldn't worry about it at all. "

Is this the general opinion? I was looking originally at a 98-99 Box, but talked myself into looking for a 2000, because I thought the engine failures were most prevelent on the Gen I models. I'm really close to making an offer on a 2000 with 55k miles... wish I hadn't read this!


It is true, see:{A3C182A8-EB9F-4BBD-99AF-3802E8F67CD7} Now, this is just one of several engine issues which can be severe. But, the majority (just not a vast majority) of engines do not experience these problems. Still, they cannot be ignored. If you're buying one of these cars, you need to be prepared that any of these issues may occur. The leading candidate remains RMS failure, and it still plagues the M96 engine today in all it itinerations. No year is more/less immune, it's a design failure which the various newly designed seals can only Band-Aid. Hope this helps...

Happy Motoring!... Jim'99
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