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Old 01-23-2007, 03:33 PM   #3
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Northeast USA
Posts: 910

Jim has a point. There's a scratch for every itch. Moving or spending weekends somewhere close but nicer are all good ideas.

I live in the NYC metro and work in Manhattan, so anything resembling a nice road is at least an hour of nightmare traffic away. For the last few years I've been spending my weekends in NW Connecticut (about 2 hrs north from the city) which is where I keep my Box. Honestly, I think I would go crazy if I didn't have this escape, and can't believe there are people who haven't left Manhattan for years!

As for the seasons, they don't bother me one bit. I like the change of temps, weather, colors, animals, birds, views, etc. and each season brings something beautiful to appreciate. Driving is great but so are other things, and there's time and place for everything.

'06 Boxster S, 6sp, triple-black
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