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Old 12-20-2006, 10:17 PM   #29
8 Ball
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Portland, Oregon
Posts: 26

Interesting conversation, hit a few topics on one subject. I wrote an article in my local Porsche club magazine basically asking Porsche how a 4-door, 4-cylinder, 4-seater sedan with a trunk and styling of a shopping cart can kick our asses a the autocross and do it at half the price of our cars. It just does not make any sence. The Subaru is a heavier and taller car. If the Subaru looked as good as a Porsche I hate to say it I would buy one. I feel Porsche is missing something here and I am not sure what it is because the Boxster is awsome to drive and if it wasn't for the track I probably would have assumed I had the better car. As for the power situation it seems like a lot of work for not a lot of benifit. If you really want the car to go faster I would supercharge first for the cheaper version or buy a larger Porsche engine for your Box or just buy the Subaru.
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