Same song second verse with me! My 1997 gave me the same crap-eating grin for a week and then the light came on.
My mechanic told me it a was an O2 sensor. I thought "hey, that can't be too expensive"
158.00 for each sensor (there are four) plus two hours labor at 95 an hour plus tax. You do the math. Of course, I was counseled by the service writer that I should go ahead and replace all four because they'd all go out eventually and it would save on labor in the long run.
Tool Pants is right though... you have to get it read properly by someone with a PST2 electronic tool to know exactly what's going on with the computer.
The dealer told me that if its a O2 sensor, I would not be hurting anything by driving it, but my gas mileage would suffer.
I'm getting 12 mpg right now, so I'm assuming that's certainly part of the cause.
Just keep grinning and take it in and have it fixed as I am going to do. I can't imagine you didn't think that buying a 7 year old Porsche would be a maintenance free experience. I'm prepared to spend quite a bit over the next year on my ride to get it in shape and then start tricking it out.
Just keep smiling with the top down!