Thread: Does it work?
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Old 10-02-2002, 07:40 PM   #2
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Talking Forum feedback

Jorge, the forum is looking good, works well and personally I would not change too much at all.

One thing which would be nice though, and I have talked with you about it before would be, to have an indication (like a number in RED) for each forum section showing the number of new posts since we were last here. Don't know if the forum software would let you do that, but it would be a good addition in my opinion.

Also, if we could have a flashing indicator at the top of the page when someone has sent a PM, that would be nice too.

The Mac forum I frequent has these features, I find them very useful.

Well, just a few thoughts. I can post a screenshot of those features if you like, so you get a better idea of what I am talking about.
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