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Old 07-22-2004, 12:11 PM   #8
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Fairfield Cnty, CT
Posts: 24
I was going to add the rear becker rear kit, then I removed the rear storage and had the idea that a 4X6 speaker can fit in there. I purchased MB quart 4X6 and fit them in, very tightly of course. The speakers that go in the storage are not supposed to be loud or anything just give some good midrange and highs to "fill" the cabin and make things sound more like a normal car. The speakers fit and work great, If you look around storage compartment holes( where the speakers will go) you can pop out the trim and as I just wraped speaker grill cloth around and snapped them back and Viola a custom look job with speakers that are better in my opinion. the wiring I brought down the center behind the carprt and ran it under the center console and throug the engine compartment, just locate athe rubber trim around all other wires and poke a hole through with a coat hanger and tape the wire to it and pull, you just got the wire into the front trunk, I called Crutchfiled and they told me which connectors to tap into on the wire for the speakers to work.

As for the 19's, not a good idea, unless you live in a sunny place like florida where the roads arent filled from potholes from the snow plows ( I live in CT NYC suburbs) or is a weekend car.

I have RH 3 piece 18's and I bent the hell out of them in 7 months, they have been getting 3 repaired and 1 was replaced by RH at cost! all in all the repairs cost me $ 1150 !!! better than buying a new set for almost 3 grand. I just cant imaging how you will not get flats and ruin your rims every month. Just my 2 cents

Last edited by jaygo44; 07-22-2004 at 12:17 PM.
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