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Old 12-14-2006, 05:43 PM   #2
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 24
Well, not that any responded but I thought I would tell what was wrong with my car in case anyone else has a problem in the future.

Brought it to Porsche and this is what they found out:

Blinking light in "drive" and not having "manual" lights work when in "manual" mode= Transmission cable did not have enough slack in it and had to be tightened from when previous owner did an engine swap. Cost of tightening a cable= $105. Finding out my car I just purchased has a new engine= $Priceless

Horn blowing fuse and not working= Needed to replace metal bracket with rubber bushings that push the horn mechanism back into "before pushing horn" state. = $200.

So... $300 bucks spent in an hour and a half. Am I happy I brought it to Porsche? well if they didn't tell me I had a new engine then no I wouldn't have been happy. Finding out I had a new engine made it worth every penny because I was going to sell the car after I heard about all the problems '99 had. So I got my pet peeves taken care of, got some good news, and was able to sip on a cold water bottle that had the label replaced with a Porsche label and all that fancied my day.
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