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Old 12-12-2006, 06:58 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by JackG
Well, I guess one more post from me, super66...

I'm not defending the 2 comments in question, but rather taking your comments to task.

Your "analogy" using Hitler wasn't even close to an analogy. There was a huge logic disconnect. And it may be telling that you jump to everyone's defense, but don't mind offending Jews in the process, huh?
Hey Jack, not sure why that is, maybe I'll explain the logic a bit different, if you don't follow it that's perfectly cool. I'm not saying Hitler was right, I'm actually saying he was a person at his time in his mind achieving a goal that he talked a lot of people into believing was the right thing to do. It was opression to the people that were faced by it, the Jews, not sure where you are heading or if that helps. I didn't jump to any particular defense other that to say the comments were wrong, it was other forum members that defended the comments.

What changes do you want to make to the Bill of Rights? Evidently ones that grant different rights to different groups, since you seem vehemently opposed to rules that *all* must live by. That's what is currently in there.

For starters get rid of augusta and that scam, Ibut in general I don't have an agenda for things that should change. It was an example showing there is room for change. Life is about change. My reference to the bill of rights and constitution was simple in that it allowed for slavery, for segregation, it wasn't a perfect thing and hence why in time we've made changes to it. Change never stops, so why allow Augusta to disciminate, why Tiger and not other african Americans?

And once again, you proclaim that a private club for males is discrimination, but I'd bet you'd be one of the first in line to protest if someone tried to shut down an exclusive all (insert your favorite minority ethnic group here) club. It's a double standard, and you are towing the same line that the PC media has fed you for years.
One thing I tried to do is not make assumptions in this thread. Its dangerous and if you truly want to grow as a person you have to be aware of your actions, assumptions, and in this case stereotypes. For example, I'm not assuming you are Jewish, you might be, but I didn't accuse you of jumping to their defense because you are jewish did I? That would be assuming a lot. So to answer your questions fairly and perfectly honestly, I would care if they wanted to shut down an exclusive minority group, because no one is asking Augusta to close down, just open its doors to all. See thats what I'm saying, now if you wanted to join an exclusive ethnic group and they shut you out because off race, I would have issues with that. Suprised? Then again, I am not a member of any exclusive groups or ethnic groups for that matter. The closet I come is this forum and spanish rock band, of which 2 of 4 members are I care that when we open for national acts in a crowd of 3K latinos that I have to white band members? Hell no they exclusivity or PC on my end....just a clear cut right from wrong perspective.....

Last question: Do you support my right to start a NAAWP? National Association for the Advancement of White People? If you can truthfully answer that you do, then we've found our "common ground". If you think I'm a racist for even suggesting it, then I believe you've shown all your cards.
Honestly great question and it depends on the intent, I mean isn't the KKK kind of doing that to an extreme as their right? Now change that to NAAI(Italians, or NAAF,french, or germans. Seeking advancement for a race/ethnicity, then I am cool, you should have a right to know as much and care for the advancement of your people. But Whites? Blacks? Browns? Sounds extremist don't you think? Besides, I am white, well I am Mexican, but like grizzly mentioned, Mexican is not considered a race anymore
We are now considered white, so when I check boxes like when my daughter was born, I first checked white, then had the option to select hispanic down the ultimately in today's world I am a white male that took offense to 2 ugly comments to a different race. Is that so bad?????

And seriously, if I thought my analogy was offensive I wouldn't have made it, I simply meant it was an eveil evil guy trying to make everyone the same.....
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