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Old 12-12-2006, 04:21 PM   #92
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before we continue the fun anymore, let me just remind people of the fact in case they are jumping in that the problem arose over 2 off color pun intended.....all this other politically correct and whatever stuff is just a direct result....

my opinion is simple, those 2 statements were wrong, and I'm not the only member to share that sentiment nor the first to express the sentiment

but since people went in every direction to defend those onward forward


"That whole statement was a joke. "Hitler was looking for common ground"?? Really? So he invited people of all nationalities to join him in his country of Arian purity, as long as they agreed to be the same? Really? You know the common ground discussed here is everyone living by the same rules (laws), and not claiming special status. You just insulted Jews everywhere."

hmmmmmm....intersting, a comment with no intent to offend ends up offending someone??? imagine that?? Sorry to any Jew that may have been offended, I was making an analogy, my limited information on Hitler was that he wanted people to posess main common traits, hence am I sick of this politically correct stuff making me apologize.....yet I'm not happy that you didn't jump in to point out when the mexicans were offended, or the African Americans may have been offended......I mean one member went as far to share such a great story of 2 different sets of African Amercan teens committing a crime back to back in the same day, not sure of the value to the tid bit but yeah whatever

"You know the common ground discussed here is everyone living by the same rules (laws), and not claiming special status."

You know these common rules and laws, constitution bill of rights, they have been amended you do know that right? You know there is always room for change right?

"No one is asking you to give up your "culture". In fact, you are quite free to engage in your culture here in the US... many people died to ensure you of that right... a vast majority of them white, btw. But being of a different culture does not give you special rights, or allow you to live here under different rules. You are just as free as the next guy."

no issue here with the white guy, married a white women and have a 1/2 white kid as a result....but yes, there are lot of people that would love for minorities to give up their culture.....

"And about the Augusta National? You have the right to form a private club to allow only people of your particular culture to join and participate. That's another one of those rights that a lot of people fought and died for. Guess what... it extend to the Augusta National too."

Your right to exclue to me is protecting discrimination but yeah I guess your private club is a cool place.....hey Tiger, want to come golf??? yeah we'll make an exception for do know it was once perfectly acceptable to not allow african americans to sit in the front of the bus right? it was a protected right to exclude, to not let them have a full vote, you are aware right??? Sometimes a law that protects does in turn protect the discrimination.

two sides two every coin Jack. But I'm not out of the thread.....

Last edited by super66; 12-12-2006 at 06:28 PM.
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