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Old 12-12-2006, 12:39 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by MNBoxster

The Irish were discriminated against horribly when they first arrived in this country, it is well documented. No redress has ever been made of this injustice. The Irish, through the course of a generation, learned to assimilate into the society and rose themselves up out of poverty as have the Germans, Italians, Jews, Poles, Scandinavians and other immigrant groups including many Asian and African immigrants today - through education and hard work. Many Immigrant groups who arrived here, long after many minorities have had their barriers removed, have made much greater strides in a shorter period of time, primarily because they understood and embraced these basic principles.

Happy Motoring!... Jim'99
Terrific perspective added , I would counter 2 points.
The immigrant cultures that overcame discrimination had 2 distinct advantages over blacks.

#1-Strong culture of a strong family unit , never underestimate the value of an active father.

#2-White skin.Assimilation is much easier when Europeans and Latinos had the same skin color as the masses.Blacks have an inherent handicap in assimilation in their skin color.

I will agree that it takes individual desire to rise above any oppressed or depressed cycle, self made or otherwise.Sometimes those individuals need help.

A benevolent society should offer a helping hand to those that need , while not addicting the needy to the handouts.
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