Originally Posted by vijen6
Next light, I looked back and they were about 4 cars back behind me in the left lane. Whatever. Light turns green again, I took off normally. They cut off 2 - 3 cars across 3 lanes to get on my right side, and caught up to me quick since I was just going speed limit. Driver started to yell at me. Pull your car over. Pull over NOW! Screaming. I asked him why? He screamed out again, you hit my car. Pull over NOW.
The ranking officer on scene sat on me on the sidewalk like I was a Mexican about to be deported. People drove by were staring. =T
Keep in mind im spanish/mexican and im not at all offended by the comment of "mexican about to be deported" because its true, thats usually seated on the curb with tie-warp hand cuffs. Being politically incorrect doesnt matter to me since its true in most cases. I've seen it alot of times in Wilmington California since theres alot of mexicans that settle there cause of the really high undocumented mexican rate in that city.
Now about your story, If its true, those guys were probably going to car jack you. when i had my Z3, these black males in Ladrea Heights bumped my rear bumper lightly from behind to get me to pull over with them to inspect damage. Thugs of course. They got out and were standing very very close to me outside the car while i walked behind my car, I felt like they were going to steal my keys out of my hand. Cop car rolls up and one of the guys says "**************** this car we dont need it, lets go" so they calmly walk towards there car and leave, I tell the police what happened and he pulls them over easily cause its 12pm lunch time traffic and i help file the report. This doesnt mean all black people commit all crimes cause i hate to make that general of a comment but Ladrea Heights is the black beverly Hills so if any crime will happen, chances are the criminal will be black cause most criminals commit crime local to there residence. But be werey of individuals that try to get you to pull over and seem like thugs or unsavory people. You would rather be sorry and have a police car pull you over for leaving the sence of an accident, not a regular person.