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Old 12-11-2006, 06:57 AM   #24
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Location: Florence, Italy
Posts: 9
yes bmusatti, I did.

well, my boxster is a 986 not a 987 so, as you can see, it's very difficult to make a comparison bwtween the two models: the rear bumper in the lower part is very different in the two models.

yes it's clear. in hte 987 the shape of the mufflers is too big and it's too much "visible". in the 986...well...I dont' know..

I mailed with the fabsoeed team, here are our mails:

I'm me again. I watched the online video about the 986 with the exhaust on again and again and then I also talked with some people, I finally got a consideration: is'n it the muffler too much "visible" watching the car from the rear ?
For solving this doubt I need a picture that can show the overview of the car with the exhaust on.
Could you plese send me a picture of it? for me it's very important to get the final decision to buy oyur product.
Waiting for your reply I want thank you once again.

The Fabspeed MAXFLO 986 exhaust TUCKS up under the rear bumper HIGHER than the factory Porsche muffler. Please ignore these know it alls………..

I will send you the pictures. Our 987 muffler is the system that hangs down low .


I'm still worried about it....
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