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Old 12-10-2006, 10:11 PM   #72
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Join Date: Feb 2006
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Posts: 701
[QUOTE=Brucelee]These posts are fascinating, so many point of views and ways of describing an event. QUOTE]

I think they are fascinating too because it brings out the closet racists At least now I know who I'm dealing with...I don't judge anyone for crossing the street when they feel threatend. Good for them and everyone else for staying alive. I judge people by the disparaging comments that they make.

And I have no issues with the use of African-American. My issue is the comments that were made, but you lose some you win some.

And to vijen6, for this comment "The ranking officer on scene sat on me on the sidewalk like I was a Mexican about to be deported" I am completly thrilled you wrecked your car. And I'm glad the officers didn't believe your story as it is totally unfounded and you maybe were just drunk driving. Too bad you didn't knock some sense into your head when you hit the pole

Got to love the free expression! Learn something new everyday.
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